Why is the rescue and repurposing of Saddlebreds so important?
What We Do
Here at The American Saddlebred Legacy Foundation, alongside our partners at The Right Horse Initiative, we are committed to being a positive, proactive resource for breeders, owners, and trainers of American Saddlebred horses in transition. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact, meeting each horse as they are and assisting on a case-by-case basis.
Community Impact
Breed preservation and promotion are important, and we believe by demonstrating the versatility of these horses we all have the ability to drive revenue back into our industry. Each horse holds a value that relates to our greater communities by creating a job for a groom, a farrier, a vet, a horse hauler, and also creates a need for our local hay farmers and feed producers. When we lose horses from our industry to brokers and find horses that are in need of rehabilitation and are at risk of slaughter, we are losing revenue that could have stayed in our current community barns or gone to create new programs and build demand for the breed.
The time is now to consider the legacy we are leaving behind for future generations
of horsemen and women that love the American Saddlebred.


We are a positive, proactive resource for owners, breeders and trainers of American Saddlebred horses.
We work to assist horses in transition to find a new purpose and preventing the need for rescue later.
Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.
There are times when we need to assist American Saddlebreds who are in need of traditional rescue and face physical, mental or behavioral challenges. These horses require additional financial support and take much longer to repurpose.
Your donations make a difference every day in the lives of these horses. We could not help them without you.
Click here to donate.
Plan a visit!

Just send an email or call us to schedule a time to come out.
We love meeting other horse lovers! *
* We do ask for liability waivers to be completed before guests meet and greet our horses. Click here for the form.