While the BBP is focused on being a resource for adoption and placement organizations, it really can be used by anyone. The following are who The Right Horse recommends:
Adoption Organizations and Trainers
Organizations and trainers can use the Basic Behaviors Profile to benefit horses in their care. Evaluating a horse upon intake will help identify areas where a horse needs more training. When a horse is ready to be adopted, agencies should use it to provide a thorough, easy-to-understand profile for potential adopters.
Adopters should carefully read and consider the completed Basic Behaviors Profile along with other information available such as photos, videos, written descriptions, conversations, and in-person visits to determine whether a horse they’re considering is a good fit based on their needs and experience level.
Owners can assess their own horses with the Basic Behaviors Profile to identify any training gaps. Not only will it improve your own bond and increase safety, proficiency in these skills will give your horse a better chance of being safely rehomed should he/she end up in transition.
Here is an example of in use...Instructional Video 1.