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National Day of the Horse! December 2017 - Sam

How do you choose one picture...my non-horse friends and family tire from horse after horse on my page I’m sure. My horse friends get it and get me. Like so many of you, I probably seem to celebrate horses every day so I don’t need a national holiday to share some with you. But if I had to pick one today it would be Sam.

We hear the rhetoric all the time...I do believe some people even believe what they are saying. But to rush to judgment of “not enough” for most of these horses at ages getting younger and younger breaks my heart. Not because it’s a bleeding one, but because it does have compassion and common sense.

The instant gratification, faster, better, now or dispose and start over society we have moved to is scary and I’m not even old enough to say that with credibility. But I hope we don’t completely lose the ethics of the animals best interest in the name of our business. Because in the drive to compete for the elite and their dollars, we are distancing farther away from a broader base of people who simply just love horses and would be fiercely loyal and committed to our breed and business if we were more aware.

So to anyone who has ever been told or made to feel like you were “not enough”...think of Sam...he was one of the worst tossed aside with baggage we had seen....don’t just see a Saddlebred...but see an overcomer...and know that if you can spend anytime in the presence of a horse, they will show that it’s in you too. #repurpose #saddlebred #saddlebredlegacy

Lily and Sam

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